What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

Ad Unique Clicks is a count of the number of people who clicked on your digital advertisement at least once. This is different than Ad Clicks or Total Clicks, because this is a count of the unique people who clicked.

Imagine you have an ad in-market and people have started to click on it. You may see data that looks like this: Ad 1: Total Clicks: 14,000 Unique Clicks: 10,000 This means that your ad has been clicked a total of 14,000 times by 10,000 different people.

You can use a summary chart to compare the current count of Ad Unique Clicks to a previous time period. Take a look at the example:

There are a few things to keep in mind when evaluating Unique Clicks. A browser cookie is usually used to determine Unique Clicks. This means that if you have clicked on an ad, the ad network (like Facebook) has registered that you have clicked. If you click again, it would still count you as a single unique click unless the cookie has expired or been removed. As a result of this, it is possible for some Unique Clicks to be double counted. It is also possible that you could be double counted if you click on a specific ad on your phone and then click on that same ad from your laptop.

This is still a very valuable metric to track, especially when you are tracking performance on smaller ad networks. If you are seeing a large, suspicious discrepancy between your Total Clicks and Unique Clicks then you may want to investigate the potential of ad fraud or inflated data.

What is the difference between unique link clicks. link clicks. and outbound clicks?  


Unique Clicks = the unique users who click any link

Link Clicks = how many times each one of those uniques users clicked. 

Outbound Clicks = how many times a user clicks a link and leaves Facebook (i.e. visits your website)


Ferris Bueller clicks five links across all of your ads in the given reporting period.

Day 1: Ad1 -  clicks Learn More and goes to your website
Day 7: Ad2 - clicks Shop Now and goes to your website
Day 15: Ad3 - clicks Like on your ad
Day 17: Ad4 - clicks Learn More and goes to your website
Day 28: Ad5 - clicks Sign Up and fills out a Lead Form on Facebook

Unique Clicks = 1
Link Clicks = 5  (Ad1, Ad2, Ad3, Ad4 and Ad5)
Outbound Link Clicks = 3 (Ad1, Ad2, and Ad4)

For Example: If an email were opened 15 times by the same individual it would count as 15 total opens but 1 unique open. Say that same individual also clicked the same link 5 times there would be 5 total clicks but 1 unique click.

For the most accurate data we recommend adding merge tags to every campaign. Visit our blog to learn more about merge tags. Seeing discrepancies in opens? To learn more about the potential causes of this and a way to help pinpoint what happened click here.

When you send an email in PublicInput.com, you'll see two open rate metrics: Opens & Clicks and Unique Opens & Unique Clicks.

What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

Those two numbers are often different. Here's why:

Opens: Represents the total number of times people opened your email. If you sent your email to 10 people, and each of them opened it twice, your opens would equal 20.

Unique Opens: Represents the number of individual people who opened your email. If you sent your email to 10 people, and only 5 people opened it, your unique opens would be 5. If those 5 people opened your email twice, you'd see 10 opens but 5 unique opens, which will tell you only half of the recipients opened your email.

Clicks: Represents the total number of clicks that were made on all the links in an email, whether those clicks came from the same recipient or not. So if you sent the email to 10 people, and each of them clicked the link twice, then the clicks would equal 20.

Unique Clicks: Represents how many individual recipients clicked on your links. To use the same analogy, if you sent your email to 10 people, and each of them clicked the link twice, the unique clicks would equal 10. (When the same recipient clicks on your link more than once, the Unique Clicks Indicator only counts the first *unique* click, not any future clicks on the link.)

With the statistical analysis of your Email Marketing Campaigns you can learn what happens with your sendings. Discover the difference between Total Clicks and Unique Clicks, and how to get this information from the Reports section.

When including links on your Email Marketing Campaigns, you must know that Doppler detects them and tracks their activity, so you can identify and analyze how many clicks your Subscribers made on your Campaign at Doppler’s Reports section. There, you will find two different indicators:

Unique Clicks: Represents how many Subscribers clicked on your links. So, if a Subscriber clicked on your links more than once, the Unique Clicks Indicator will count that actions as one instead of two.

Total Clicks: This indicator will represent the full amount of clicks that were made in all the links you have sent, whether they came from the same Subscriber or not.

With Doppler you can easily quantify the amount of Subscribers that make clicks on your Campaigns and evaluate the total number of clicks made. To do this, you must go to Reports and select the Campaign you want to evaluate.

What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

Then, when you’re in the Summary metrics of your Campaign, you will see the the Deliverability Rate with all the activity and results of the Campaign in question.

What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

Doppler shows in that box Total Clicks on one side and Unique Clicks on the other. Following our example graph, this means that the Total Clicks (regardless of whether they come from the same Subscriber or not) are 1.110 while Unique Clicks (clicks per Subscriber) are 900.

Remember that a low value on Unique Clicks shows that the content of your Campaign has had a low interest, while if the value increases it indicates that the content has been interesting and gathering several clicks.

What is the difference between total clicks and unique clicks?

Within Email on Acid Analytics, total opens and total clicks represent the all-encompassing number of times an email was opened or that a link was clicked. Unique opens and unique clicks represent the number of times an email was opened, or a link was clicked by an individual subscriber using specific identifiers.
Link Clicks measure all clicks, even if the same person clicked multiple times. Unique Link Clicks shows you the number of people who clicked, which might be different to the number of clicks you received.

What are unique clicks on Facebook?

Unique Clicks Understand that “Unique” is measuring the number of people who performed an action. For example, you may have 38 Link Clicks and 33 Unique Link Clicks. This is because there were 33 unique people who created those 38 link clicks.

What's the difference between unique opens and unique clicks?

If those 5 people opened your email twice, you'd see 10 opens but 5 unique opens, which will tell you only half of the recipients opened your email. Clicks: Represents the total number of clicks that were made on all the links in an email, whether those clicks came from the same recipient or not.