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What is the source of most of the energy used in prolonged exercise?

Exercise and insulin regulation of glucose transport

Proposed model for the signaling pathways mediating exercise- and insulin-induced skeletal muscle glucose transport. Insulin is initiated by binding to its cell service receptor leading to a cascade of phosphorylation reactions involving IRS-1, PI 3-kinase, and Akt among other proteins. Exercise works through a proximal signaling mechanism from that is distinct form that of insulin and is less well defined. It is likely that the proximal exercise signaling mechanism has redundancy as number of stimuli have been implicated in this process including changes in intracellular Ca2+, the AMP:ATP ratio, generation of reactive oxygen species, and mechanical stresses. The insulin and exercise signaling pathways are thought to converge at the level of the Rab GAP proteins TBC1D1 and AS160, which allow for the release of the GLUT4-containing vesicles from intracellular stores, translocation to the transverse tubules and sarcolemma, and an increase in glucose uptake. Adapted from Ref. 50.