When can I take a bath after a tattoo Reddit

Help all on r/tattoo! My girlfriend just got a tattoo last Monday, today she took a bath for a good 30 minutes fully submerged. She got out on it looks a bit odd and I totally forgot to tell her not to take a bath! I checked out the FAQ and it said it to take a bath but nothing about what to do if you do submerge your fresh ink. I'm still new to this subreddit; so if I've formatted this post in the wrong way please let me know! Thanks for yalls help in advance! Cheers

Posted byu/[deleted]1 year ago

When can I take a bath after a tattoo Reddit

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I just got my first tattoo in over ten years and totally spaced on not submerging it. (I am also exhausted with a three-month-old and generally more out of it than I would be.) I took a hot fifteen minute bath last night. Has anyone done this and had a fine tattoo result afterwards? What should I do? It was a bit dry and scaly this morning, which was when I realized my mistake. I know it could also be typical peeling. Thanks.

I can’t seem to find a straight answer on google so here I am and I hope the wonderful lads and ladies of Casual Ireland can help me. I got a tattoo on my arm on Tuesday and am following all the precautions to clean with Bepanthem etc.

Now I just need to know how long can it be again until I can wash it in the shower by itself and not having to cover it up with cling film or a towel? Thanks again!

How long after getting a tattoo can I take a shower? I got this about 3-4 hours ago and it still has the wrap on it. I’m dyeing my hair and need to wash it soon. Got this at Revolution Tattoo, Body Piercing in Panama City Beach, Florida from tattoos
When can I have a bath it’s been 2 weeks today since I got my tattoo it gave some vary vary small scabs still but looks pretty healed from tattoo

Hey, I got my first tattoo last friday. They used semiderm (saniderm? I don't know the exact name) on my arm and I took it after 3 days (as my artist suggested). Then I started to wash it once a day with warm water and antibacterial soap and use cream on it whenever its dry (like 3-4 times a day max). So I didn't even have a shower in order to protect it, just washed my body as much as I can. Yesterday I took a shower, it wasn't boiling hot or anything, just normal hot water. And then it started to crumble, break off itself. It was really slimy at first, really easy to move so I didn't touch it, but after it got dry it just started to crumble. Did I do anything wrong? Will this ruin my tattoo? I can't use cream right now because I'm afraid I'll rip some skin off. Any help will be much appreciated.

Edit: I took a shower, not a bath, my mistake.

Hi so I got my Ass tattooed over 5 days. It’s really small, no more than 1.5 by 1.5 inches. There’s no more scabbing or peeling.

I’ve had a rough day and a bath sounds like the #1 greatest thing in the world right now.

Would it be a terrible idea?


Edit I forgot to say it’s mostly just black and white outlines. It’s a black lil nas x sad cowboy with a touch of shading in the cowboy hat

So I got my tattoo a little over a week ago. My tattoo artist gave me the film to put over it after 24 hours after the tattoo. He told me to wear it for four days and then take it off and it should be practically healed. Well it is basically is when looking at it and all the peeling is pretty much done. The only issue is it’s still a bit itchy. Is it cool to take a bath? Cause I know you’ll have to soak in a bath and I was told by people who’ve gotten tattoo years ago that they were told not to for the first month