Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group

There is no gone-deal on the internet. If you’re not careful with your online activities today, they could come back to haunt you years after. 

Many businesses have public relations specialists to guide their online engagement and practice because they understand that their potential clients could do background checks.

These days, many businesses are mindful of their tread on the digital walkway to not fall into the pits of privacy loss, data theft, or unwanted solicitations. 

At times, investors follow your business’s digital footprints to examine how consistent and how true your pitch aligns with your activities before they trust you with their money.

So if statements like: “I’ve changed my business trajectory several times, or I’m yet to get my clarity in my business” applies to you, then you should read this post.

Here, I will show you how to delete all your Facebook group posts at once.


Let’s begin.

Table of Contents hide

What are Facebook Group Posts

Why you should delete your past Facebook group posts

Chrome Extension For Deleting Facebook Group Posts

Automation tool for groups on Facebook

How to Delete All Facebook Group Posts At Once

Final Thoughts

What are Facebook Group Posts

Facebook group posts are the content you post as an admin or that which any of your members created in your community. When posted by the group admin, it doesn’t require any approval, as it automatically goes to the group feeds. However, if a group member publishes the post, the post will need the group admin or moderator to approve it before going live on the Facebook group feed.

The Facebook groups are specific communities where Facebook users can join as members to engage with others frequently. And within this particular community, only admins-approved posts can go live.

Why you should delete your past Facebook group posts

Two quick questions;

  1. What type of content do you post on your Facebook group in the past?
  2. Does the content quality represent your values and ideals today?

If your answers to these questions are not pleasing to you, you should consider deleting your past Facebook group posts.

Aside from those, the better we can connect to the internet these days, the little we know about the systems working in the background.

A cybercriminal could connect the dots from all your content and predict some very confidential information about you from the type of posts you publish on your Facebook group. For instance, from the car plate number, a criminal could locate your residential address.

Even on your mobile, there are many apps that you’ve willingly given access to your data simply because you want to enjoy the services; little did you know that there is a possibility of having a script that scrapes your information on the app. And these could cause you unwarranted legal issues.

It may be essential to delete your past Facebook group posts to stay digitally healthy and remove the likeliness of a personal or business security breach, data leak, or blackmail attempt.

Besides security, you may feel the need to change your business trajectory and create new Facebook posts that don’t connect with the existing ones. 

Your best approach is to completely delete the past posts as you begin to create fresher ones. Then note that you might lose some Facebook group members should your new content not resonate with them. And that’s fine.

Now that you’ve ascertained that your past Facebook posts don’t define the new you, the next step is to delete them.

Here are 3 Chrome extensions to delete Facebook Group posts at once.

Chrome Extension For Deleting Facebook Group Posts 

Automation tool for groups on Facebook

Updated for the new Facebook layout, the automation for groups on Facebook chrome extension is a tool that helps you to automate all your tasks on Facebook group activity. 

It lets you automatically approve and decline posts on your Facebook group based on specific keywords. With this tool, you can access member-reported posts, keyword alerts, and auto-flagged issues.

This tool is by far the trusted chrome extension for deleting Facebook group posts as it works by ticking a box and clicking a button. You can also use it to block and unblock members.

One of the great features of the tool is that it has different options and lets you automatically refresh your webpage and restart a function process at any time. 

The truth is, only this tool, “automation tool for groups on Facebook,” appears to be the trusted and widely used Facebook group posts delete tool. However, there are other ones like:  

How to Delete All Facebook Group Posts At Once

Step 1:

Type “Automation tool for Groups on Facebook” in the Google search box. Then hit enter.

Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group
Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group

Step 2:

When the search result comes up, click on the first search result shown in the image below.

Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group
Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group

Step 3 :

Click on “Add to Chrome” to add the tool to your chrome extension.

Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group
Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group

Step 4:

After adding the tool, it comes up as shown in the icon labeled 2 (in the image below.) So, click on it.

To delete all posts, click on the “more automation” tab – labeled 3 (in the image below).

Then click, “Delete all posts.” (labeled 4.)

Now you’ve deleted all the posts on your Facebook group.

Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group
Why can t I delete a post in my Facebook group
Final Thoughts

Congratulations on erasing the digital footprints on your Facebook Group. You can start now and start afresh by creating content that represents your ideals and makes an excellent impression on you.

If your Facebook Group connects to your business, the experience of managing it can only get more exciting if you employ tools like Group Leads Chrome Extension to automate your Lead Generation. 

Once you connect the Group Leads Chrome extension with your Facebook Group, it automatically collects your member’s email when you approve new members. You can also plug this into your email marketing software.

Why won't Facebook let me delete a post?

Of course, you can only delete posts you have created yourself — you don't have the power to delete something that was posted to Facebook by someone else. But if you don't like a post that you're tagged or mentioned in, you could ask the person who created it to edit or delete it.

How do I delete a post from a FB group?

Tap View Activity History at the bottom. Tap Filters and select Categories. Tap Groups and Events and select Group posts and comments or Group reactions. Scroll to what you want to delete, then tap and select Delete to delete your post or comment or select Unlike to remove your reaction.

Can a Facebook group admin remove a post?

Admins and moderators can remove posts from their group and give feedback about why the post was removed.