Cara unhide excel dengan keyboard

If you work with large spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel, you know how frustrating it can be to scroll back and forth between different sections of your data. Hiding and unhiding rows and columns can help you better organize your worksheets, making them easier to read and navigate.

There are a few different ways to hide and unhide rows and columns in Excel. You can use the right-click context menu, the Ribbon, or keyboard shortcuts. In this article, we'll show you 15 different keyboard shortcuts that you can use to quickly hide and unhide rows and columns in Excel.

1. Hide Rows

To hide rows in Excel, you can use one of the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+9
  • Ctrl+Shift+9

Both of these shortcuts will immediately hide the selected rows from view. If you want to unhide the rows, you can use the same keyboard shortcuts, but with the Shift key included. For example, to unhide rows that have been hidden with the first shortcut (Ctrl+9), you would press Ctrl+Shift+9.

2. Hide Columns

To hide columns in Excel, you can use one of the following keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl+0 (zero)
  • Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero)

Both of these shortcuts will immediately hide the selected columns from view. If you want to unhide the columns, you can use the same keyboard shortcuts, but with the Shift key included. For example, to unhide columns that have been hidden with the first shortcut (Ctrl+0), you would press Ctrl+Shift+0.

3. Hide Rows and Columns at the Same Time

If you want to hide both rows and columns at the same time, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+- (minus sign)

This shortcut will hide both the selected rows and columns. If you want to unhide the rows and columns, you can use the same keyboard shortcut, but with the Shift key included. For example, to unhide rows and columns that have been hidden with the first shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+-), you would press Ctrl+Shift++ (plus sign).

4. Unhide All Rows

If you want to unhide all rows in your Excel spreadsheet, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+_ (underscore)

This shortcut will unhide all rows in the worksheet, even if they were previously hidden using a different method.

5. Unhide All Columns

If you want to unhide all columns in your Excel spreadsheet, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+* (asterisk)

This shortcut will unhide all columns in the worksheet, even if they were previously hidden using a different method.

6. Hide Rows Based on Cell Values

If you want to hide rows based on cell values, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+# (hash sign)

This shortcut will hide all rows that contain errors, blank cells, or cells that contain text.

7. Unhide Rows Based on Cell Values

If you want to unhide rows based on cell values, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+@ (at sign)

This shortcut will unhide all rows that contain errors, blank cells, or cells that contain text.

8. Hide Columns Based on Cell Values

If you want to hide columns based on cell values, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+$ (dollar sign)

This shortcut will hide all columns that contain errors, blank cells, or cells that contain text.

9. Unhide Columns Based on Cell Values

If you want to unhide columns based on cell values, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+% (percent sign)

This shortcut will unhide all columns that contain errors, blank cells, or cells that contain text.

10. Hide Rows Based on Cell Formatting

If you want to hide rows based on cell formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+~ (tilde)

This shortcut will hide all rows that have cells with the General format.

11. Unhide Rows Based on Cell Formatting

If you want to unhide rows based on cell formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+! (exclamation point)

This shortcut will unhide all rows that have cells with the General format.

12. Hide Columns Based on Cell Formatting

If you want to hide columns based on cell formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+" (quotation mark)

This shortcut will hide all columns that have cells with the General format.

13. Unhide Columns Based on Cell Formatting

If you want to unhide columns based on cell formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+' (apostrophe)

This shortcut will unhide all columns that have cells with the General format.

14. Hide Rows Based on Cell Values and Formatting

If you want to hide rows based on cell values and formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift+^ (caret)

This shortcut will hide all rows that contain errors, blank cells, or cells that contain text, as well as all rows that have cells with the General format.

15. Unhide Rows Based on Cell Values and Formatting

If you want to unhide rows based on cell values and formatting, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Ctrl+Shift</

Bagaimana cara meng unhide di Excel?

Memunculkan kolom Pilih kolom yang berdekatan untuk kolom tersembunyi. Klik kanan kolom yang dipilih, lalu pilih Munculkan.

Hide itu Ctrl apa?

Seleksi terlebih dahulu kolom yang ingin disembunyikan dan gunakan pintasan keyboard Ctrl+0.

Bagaimana cara unhide kolom A di Excel?

Untuk memunculkan kolom A, klik kanan header atau label kolom B dan pilih Munculkan Kolom.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan hide dan unhide?

Hide dan Unhide ini digunakan untuk menampilkan atau menyembunyikan baris, kolom bahkan sebuah sheet dalam Excel. Karena ini sifatnya disembunyikan maka sheet, baris atau kolom tersebut tidak dihilangkan.