How to get acid out of lungs

Most people associate acid reflux with chest tightness, heartburn, or a burning sensation in the throat. Shortness of breath and trouble breathing are common symptoms of acid reflux. 

Acid reflux (stomach acid reentering the esophagus) can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD symptoms include wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea. 

Continue reading to learn more about the connection between GERD and shortness of breath and how to treat this symptom when it occurs. 

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Acid reflux and GERD can cause shortness of breath. Research suggests that GERD often is an underlying and sometimes unrecognized cause of asthma and other breathing troubles. When stomach acid passes through the esophagus, it can enter the lungs and throat. That irritates those areas and leads to breathing problems, including:

  • Lung inflammation: If acid is breathed into the lungs, it can cause inflammation or narrowing of the airways, leading to bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Upper respiratory irritation: If acid irritates your upper respiratory system, including your throat, you may experience postnasal drip, chest congestion, and cough.  

In addition, GERD can trigger asthma symptoms for people who have both conditions.

Symptoms of GERD include:

  • Acid reflux (burning sensation in the throat and an acidic taste)
  • Chest pain and tightness (begins after meals and may radiate up the chest)
  • Hoarseness (caused by throat irritation, most common in the morning)
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea or vomiting 

Chest pain is a symptom of GERD but also of a heart attack. Seek immediate medical attention if you have chest pain but are not sure GERD is the cause. 

If GERD is left untreated, it can cause many complications, particularly in people who experience acid reflux multiple times each week. 

Untreated GERD or acid reflux is a cause of adult-onset asthma. It can also cause sinus infections, ulcers, and lung damage from acid being regurgitated into the lungs. These can be serious conditions, especially for people with other health concerns. 

In addition, the respiratory complications of GERD include:

  • Chest congestion
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness or laryngitis
  • Wheezing

GERD takes a big toll on the esophagus, the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach. Over time, stomach acid passing into the esophagus can cause the following:

  • Barrett’s esophagus: (changes to the esophageal lining)
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Erosive esophagitis: (difficulty or pain while swallowing)
  • Esophageal strictures: (narrowing of the esophagus)

Untreated GERD can lead to other complications such as:

  • Tooth decay
  • Sleep loss
  • Chronic sore throat

Talking to your healthcare provider about your respiratory symptoms is important, especially if you have asthma or suspect you may have developed it. In that case, healthcare providers may provide additional asthma treatments.

Managing acid reflux can help you control and lessen your shortness of breath.

Lifestyle and dietary changes make a significant impact on people with GERD. If you have GERD or acid reflux, try these steps:

  • Avoid foods and drinks that trigger GERD (fatty, fried, and spicy foods, caffeine, and carbonated beverages). 
  • Eat smaller meals, especially in the evenings.
  • Don’t eat within three hours of bedtime.
  • Elevate your head for six to eight hours while sleeping, and sleep on your left side.
  • Lose weight if advised.
  • Quit smoking.

Over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications can help treat GERD and acid reflux. These include:

If you’re taking Tums frequently or for more than two weeks, you should see your healthcare provider about acid reflux. 

If you notice that your GERD or breathing is suddenly worsening, you should reach out to your healthcare provider. This is especially important when you notice new symptoms or when your existing symptoms begin interfering with your ability to do your normal daily activities. 

GERD and acid reflux can both cause shortness of breath, wheezing, and other breathing problems. GERD also affects your esophagus, making it difficult to swallow. Treat your GERD to lessen breathing issues. Lifestyle changes like avoiding foods that trigger GERD, quitting smoking, and sleeping on your left side may help GERD symptoms.

GERD is commonly associated with a burning sensation, chest tightness, and acidic taste. But it’s also a common cause of breathing problems like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Letting your healthcare provider know about any symptoms of GERD and breathing problems you're experiencing will get you the most effective treatment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does acid reflux feel like?

    Acid reflux often causes a burning sensation in the throat or tightness in the chest. You might also experience an acidic taste or trouble breathing. 

  • How can you know if acid reflux is causing you shortness of breath?

    Talk to your healthcare provider about a possible connection if you have acid reflux or GERD and experience respiratory problems like coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath. Keep a journal to keep track of whether your shortness of breath and respiratory problems worsen when you’re having episodes of GERD. 

  • Why doesn’t your asthma medication help with shortness of breath?

    If the root cause of shortness of breath is GERD or acid reflux, you’ll need to treat those conditions in addition to asthma. Talk to your healthcare provider about a comprehensive treatment plan. 

  • Can acid reflux go to your lungs?

    The stomach acid that comes into your esophagus and throat due to acid reflux can be aspirated or breathed into the lungs. When this happens, it can irritate the lungs and lead to breathing trouble. If you're having severe shortness of breath or think it's an emergency, call your healthcare provider or 911 immediately.