What do you say to someone you havent talked to in a long time

Single Life

What do you say to someone you havent talked to in a long time

“Describe your day so far in three emojis. Go!”

Updated: May 21, 2021

Originally Published: Oct. 3, 2018

Starting a conversation with someone who you've just started dating can be stressful AF. Before you know what makes someone tick, figuring out how to to get a conversation going can definitely take a bit of practice. However, starting conversations is a crucial part of keeping in touch between dates, and if you let that convo fizzle out, then you might just miss your chance. If you’re at a loss for how to text someone you haven’t talked to in a long time, then I’ve got a few conversation-starting texts to send that will get the ball rolling again.

Finding a good texting rhythm is one of the best ways to stay connected, especially if your busy schedule keeps you from going on dates as often as you would like. However, if a few days have passed and you haven’t heard from a date, there’s a way to revive that convo without it being totally awkward. Pro tip: If you're not sure how to text someone you haven’t talked to in a long time, try to avoid just saying, "Hey.” Whether you reference something you talked about on your last date or suggest it’s time you go on another date, here are some lines to use when you convo goes stale.

  • Where did you say I should totally get takeout from again?
  • I just saw this TikTok and thought of you. How are ya, BTW?
  • The weirdest thing happened to me yesterday, and I think you'll appreciate this story.
  • Hey! What’s the [band/show/movie] you were talking about last week?
  • I finally read that book you recommended and we need to discuss. Should we do it over drinks?
  • Just finished [fill-in-the-blank TV show] and I need a new show. Any recs?
  • Still thinking about that date we went on to [place]. Where do you think we should go on our next date?
  • The weather looks beautiful this weekend. What would you think about taking advantage of it with me?
  • Bet you can’t guess what I’m doing right now 🙃.
  • Describe your day so far in three emojis. Go!
  • I just saw this restaurant on IG and we NEED to go on our next date.
  • Hey, stranger. You crossed my mind and I thought I'd say hi.
  • I know we talked about going on another date, but I think it's time we finally do it. You pick a time and I'll pick a place.
  • Were you just on the [train/bus/street]? I could have sworn I just saw you.
  • I realize it's been [amount of time] since we last chatted, but I feel like you're one of the good ones and we should keep talking. So what have you been up to lately?
  • Hey, I was just in your neighborhood. What are you up to?
  • If I said “come over,” what would you say?
  • 🙋 Just popping up to say hi.
  • I have so much to do, but I keep getting distracted thinking about you.
  • [Sent along with a cute selfie] In case you forgot what my face looks like, here it is. In case you forgot what we were last talking about, look at the convo above. Shall we pick up where we left off?
  • So how did [life event] end up going? I need deets!
  • How was your day? I just got home and I'm finally relaxing.
  • This is so us. You waiting for me to come to you. Me trying to figure out what to text you. Fine, you win. Wanna go out again some time?
  • So what kind of mischief do you have planned this weekend?
  • Hey, I think you forgot to ask me out on another date. Just wanted to graciously give you the opportunity to do so now.
  • Will you send me the best TikTok you’ve seen so far this week? I need a pick-me-up.
  • Do you have any new podcast recommendations? I loved that last one you gave me.
  • Remember when [funny memory from last date]?
  • Hey! Stop thinking about me 😉.
  • Do you miss me yet?

See? Not too hard! If you're still feeling weird about what to say, just think about how you would text a new friend. In the end, you just want to make it clear that you're interested while still keeping them on their toes.

Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.

This article was originally published on 10.03.18

Do you remember the days when you used to talk and laugh for hours sitting with your best friends in an empty classroom? There were almost endless things to talk about, and time flew by as you chatted together. But, when was the last time you had a long talk with that old friend of yours? If it’s been quite a while, read on!

Everyone’s busy. Due to hectic schedules, life changes, big moves, and more, people often lose touch with their pals.

We know talking to an old friend after a long time feels overwhelming, and a lot of people want to reconnect but it isn’t happening. The reality is that people find it a bit awkward to get back in touch with their friend if they haven’t spoken for a while.

Although you have a temptation to talk to your friend, you might worry about how to start a conversation. To help you out, here are some conversation starters to help you reconnect.

Start with something simple
Let’s make it simple and direct. After all, you were good friends once - and you can be again. You can follow any of the following expressions to strike up the conversation.

  • Hey, how’ve you been?
  • I haven’t seen you in ages!
  • I haven’t seen/talked to you for so long!
  • How long has it been since I last saw/talked to you?

Expand the topic
Ask about their current situation. Try “What have you been up to?” This question is a natural way to continue the conversation and ease you into a longer discussion.

Bring back good old memories
Bring up old memories while talking - it will give you both something to speak about where you can share common ground and interests.

Dig Deeper
Dig deeper and express genuine interest by asking follow-up questions to their responses. Use words like “how,” “when,” and “why” in your question.

End conversation with a plan

When you end the conversation, make sure you have made a plan for the next meet-up. You can consider following phrases to wind up the call or chat.

  • We should catch up soon. When are you free next?
  • We should get together. What do you think?
  • We should get coffee soon. What is your schedule?

We hope these tips were helpful! Now it's your turn to start a conversation with a friend you haven't spoken to in a while.

If you’re looking for a way to stay close with old friends online, try the Longwalks app. It has daily prompts that help you discuss meaningful topics and stay up to date.

What do you say when you haven't talked to someone in a while?

13 Texts to Send Someone You Haven't Seen in a While.
1 “Hey! ... .
2 “How are you? ... .
3 “It's been too long! ... .
4 “I passed by our old school and wondered how you were doing.”.
5 “I was thinking about how we stopped talking, and I realized I was in the wrong.”.
6 “Wishing you a happy holiday! ... .
7 “Miss your face!”.

What do you say after not talking for a long time?

"I know it's been a while, but I just wanted to see how you're doing." MixMedia/E+/Getty Images. ... .
"Hey! ... .
"I just saw Twisted Lime Doritos at the store and it made me think of you!" ... .
"Wow, I just had a flashback. ... .
"Hey! ... .
“Wow, I can't believe I never answered this!” ... .
“My horoscope said I should text you today.”.

How do you talk to someone you haven't talked to in years?

Just keep a few things in mind:.
Shift your perspective. The last thing any of us want is to be seen as the person who reaches out to someone only when we need something from them. ... .
Acknowledge the absence of contact. ... .
Pay attention to tone. ... .
Give them an out. ... .
Offer to reciprocate. ... .
Show appreciation. ... .
Stay in contact..

How do you talk to a friend you havent talked to in a long time?

How to Call Someone You Haven't Talked to in a Long Time.
1 Text first to re-establish contact..
2 Reference a social media post of theirs..
3 Use a special occasion as an excuse..
4 Explain your silence..
5 Acknowledge that it's been a while..
6 Apologize if you feel it's necessary..