What is Newt Scamanders wand core?

We (partially, kinda) know some of the stuff for this! The prop wand was made with elements of bone, shell, lime wood and ash wood, and a fossil. But, well, that’s the prop. Ash might fit Newt in a number of ways, though I don’t think that is actually the wood of his wand - it’s a possible, but I can think of two more which would match at least as well. Lime - Linden  to Americans - we only know of in wandlore as Silver Lime - for memory spells, Legilimency, and Seers, none of which I particularly think fit Newt. Bone, Shell and Fossils all seem to be decorative elements of the wand, and none are known in canon as wand cores, so I think we can safely move on.

Now, for a wand wood I think Newt might have Ash, it’s a possible, but I would also suggest Chestnut as it is “attracted to witches and wizards who are skilled tamers of magical beasts, those who possess great gifts in Herbology, and those who are natural fliers” and English Oak which likewise has a tendency to pick wixes with a “powerful intuition, and, often, an affinity with the magic of the natural world, with the creatures and plants that are necessary to wizardkind for both magic and pleasure”. 

For cores, well Chesnut varies a lot with Unicorn or Dragon, but I suggest neither; with the variance of spells Newt would need for handling his creatures as well as his general brilliance I am rather inclined to say he would be a wix with a Phoenix Feather cored wand.

As for length… despite the prop wand’s length, Newt does not seem to be good with people. he is confident - extremely so - when it comes to his special interest, but not in general, so I would suggest 10 3/4″-11″ length. As for flexibility, most definitely swishy - he’s very adaptable, at least for sake of his creatures.


What is Newt Scamanders wand core?


So my friend and I saw FBAWTFT, and we were not disappointed. But there are a lot of unanswered questions. There's a YouTube channel run by twin brothers, Jonathon "J" and Ben Carlin, called SuperCarlinBrothers. They have a bunch of Harry Potter theories and theories for other movies as well. Recently they uploaded a video about unanswered questions in Fantastic Beasts, and one made me think. I'll let you watch the video before I continue

Top 7 Unanswered Questions From Fantastic Beasts

Now at 6:54, J talks talks about how Newt was expelled from Hogwarts but yet he still has a wand. Hagrid and Newt were expelled for the same reason; because they endangered the students with a magical creature. When Hagrid was expelled, his wand was snapped and he wasn't allowed to use magic. But, clearly Newt still has a wand.

Here's my theory: I believe Dumbledore taught Newt how to make a wand.

I know, I know. Seems kinda strange but hear me out.

Reasons this could be true:

1. He wouldn't of been allowed to use magic if he was expelled.

His wand clearly would've been snapped if he was expelled. That's just a fact. Students that are expelled get their wands snapped.

2. Dumbledore

Like Hagrid, Dumbledore fought for Newt so he wouldn't be expelled. If that's the case and Newt was expelled, Dumbledore could've taught Newt how to make a wand. Now with Hagrid, I'm guessing they snapped his wand so much there was no way to repair it so Dumbledore put the fragments into his umbrella so he could useagic. But Newt had no wand, so he was taught by Dumbeldore. Making wands isn't common knowledge for a wizard/witch, but some wizards/witches know how to. Isolt Sayre, one of the founders of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, made her adopted sons, Chadwick and Webster Boot, their wands. So someone as smart as Dumbledore would've known how to make a wand.

3. The core.

If you look on Wikipedia about Newt's wand, it says it's made of lime wood and had a core of bone and shell. Well, knowing that is not one of the main cores can get you to think. The wands cores mentioned in the HP series are unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, and phoenix tail feather. If his wand core is bone and shell, what wandmaker would use those as cores? None.

What is Newt Scamanders wand core?

(I couldn't find the owner of this picture but credit goes to them)

Also if you look at the handle tip of his wand, it's a shiny silver. I think when he made his wand he actually used unicorn blood. Unicorn blood is the same shiny, metallic color. I think he needed to help an injured unicorn and used some of its blood to make a wand. Or at some point he collected some and used it to test out it as a wand core.


Now I know there wasn't a whole lot of evidence for this, but if I need to I can try to research on it. If you have any other suggestions or other reasons you think this could be true, please leave a comment below! Thank you for reading!

*nox! *

What is Newt Scamanders wand core?

After watching Fantastic Beasts, I initially didn't think much about Newt's wand. It's simple-looking and the movie itself doesn't put much focus on it. However, the more I read about the film, I began to notice the unusual amount of attention being given to Newt's wand. It's brought up a lot in interviews and people have asked JK Rowling about it. So far, here's what we know so far about Newt's wand:

It's made of ash, lime, bone and shell, and Eddie Redmayne had a hand in deciding its constituents. So far, it is the one of the few wands in the series revealed to be made of anything other than wood.

‘It’s made of organic materials. Some of the choices were fossilised, but I didn’t like the idea of the death of creatures. Not for Newt. -- Eddie Redmayne, Pottermore

It's whittled down and deliberately looks used.

It has a mother-of-pearl inlay, which is a trademark of a wandmaker other than Ollivander.

Johannes Jonker, a Muggle-born wizard whose No-Maj father was an accomplished cabinet maker, turned himself into an accomplished wandmaker. His wands were highly sought after and instantly recognisable, as they were usually inlaid with mother-of-pearl. After experimenting with many cores, Jonker’s preferred magical material was hair of the Wampus cat. Pottermore

Its core has not been divulged, for reasons unknown.

Colbert: What's the core?

Eddie Redmayne: I can't possibly tell you that.

Colbert: Why?

Eddie Redmayne: Because it's top secret. Eddie Redmayne on "The Late Show"

Right now, JK Rowling has not confirmed whether Newt's wand was snapped when he was expelled from Hogwarts or not. It's one of the few issues she's addressed since the movie's release, and although people took her response to mean that Newt got to keep his wand, she didn't specifically that it wasn't snapped:

@ClaraMarie88: Why was Newt allowed to keep his wand & do magic, and work for the ministry? Hagrid had a different experience after expulsion.

@jk_rowling: All will become clear. Trust me. Tweet


Interestingly enough, Ollivander is well-known for strictly using either phoenix feathers, dragon heartstrings and unicorn tail hairs as wand cores. His father (who was probably the one in charge during Newt's era) used Kelpie hairs and Kneazle whiskers.

Early in my career, as I watched my wandmaker father wrestling with substandard wand core materials such as kelpie hair, I conceived the ambition to discover the finest cores and to work only with those when my time came to take over the family business. This I have done. After much experimentation and research, I concluded that only three substances produce wands of the quality to which I am happy to give the illustrious name of Ollivander: unicorn hair, dragon heartstring and phoenix feather. -Garrick Ollivander, Pottermore

So what am I getting at? Basically, I think it's clear that based on the details we have, Newt's wand is not an Ollivander wand. Which is very unusual for a Wizard in Britain, as there has been no mention of any other wandmakers in the same country. My theory is as follows:

Newt's original Ollivander wand that he got as a student was snapped when he was expelled.

He got a new wand by some other means. He's well-traveled and seems well-connected within the ministry (by having a famous brother). It's unusual, though, that the wand seems to be from North America when Newt's first time there was during Fantastic Beasts.

Pure conjecture at this point but my prediction is that eventually, he might have a hand in influencing wand cores. During their time, Ollivander might have not been using unicorn, dragon and phoenix wand cores yet, but that will change in subsequent movies as Newt does further research on magical creatures. After all, he has already revealed that he worked with dragons. This, coupled with the theory that Newt will end up being the one who brings Fawkes the phoenix and Dumbledore together (a highly possible scenario), I would not be surprised if he helps provide the necessary animal parts to Ollivander so he can use them.

Incidentally, unicorn hairs can be plucked, and so can Phoenix tail feathers (which is why Fawkes is the source for Harry and Voldemort's wand cores). But dragons have to be dead in order to be able to get their heartstrings. Newt would never kill a dragon to take its heart, but he revealed that he "worked with" dragons during the war. So who would have better access to dragon corpses than Newt?