Why cant i create a group on facebook

This post is part of our Unconventional Guide to Harnessing the Power of Facebook Groups for Business. If you want to get your hands on all the chapters, click here!

So you’ve decided a Facebook Group is just what you need to crush your goals and build your business…

Awesome! *high five*

But when it comes to actually creating a Facebook group for your business you have no clue where to begin.

Am I getting warm?

If you find yourself nodding your head yes, then take a deep breath.

Sit back.


And curl up with your laptop because we’ve got you covered!.

We are going to hand hold you through the process and show you how to create a Facebook group so you can start harnessing the badass community building powers of Facebook.

Right. freakin’. now.

Let’s do this…

How to Start a Facebook Group

There are two ways to create a group; from your personal account or you can create a group for your Page.

One way isn’t necessarily better than the other, but when you create a group for your Business Page all future posts will be under your page name and your group will be seen as a “linked” group on your business page.

We’ll show you both ways, but start by showing you how to create a Facebook group from your personal profile.

Step One: Add Group

There are two ways to create a group through your personal profile — on your profile page or through your profile Home page.

Through Your Profile Page

Using your tab bar above your post section, select the “More” dropdown menu. From there click on “Groups”.

Through Your Homepage

The left sidebar of your Homepage has several links listed under different categories including Shortcuts, Explore and Create. You can create a page by selecting Groups under both the Explore and Create categories.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

If you go through the Explore >> Groups path, you will be brought to a list of all the groups you are currently a member of. The option to create a new group will be in the top right corner of this page.

If you go through Create >> Group, you will automatically be sent to the Create Group lightbox.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Through Your Business Page

If you are creating a Facebook group for your business page, go to your business profile Page. In the left hand sidebar select Groups.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

If your sidebar does not have a Groups tab go into your Page settings, Edit Page and click Add Tab. Select the Group tab and it will now become a part of your left sidebar.

Click on the Groups tab to be brought to step two.

Step Two: Create a New Group

Whether you go through your personal profile or business page, you will be directed to the page that allows you to create your group.

And it’s only one simple click away.

Click on the “+Create Group” button.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Step Three: Give Your Group a Name

It’s time to get creative and name your group. Don’t overthink this process, but you definitely want your name to reflect the intention of your group.

For example, our Facebook group is simply “The NEW Screw the Nine to Five Community.”

Nothing fancy, but it describes exactly what we use it for — building an allegiance of like minded entrepreneurs who want to Screw the Nine to Five with us.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook


Now enter your name in the light box.

Step Four: Add Members

Before you can start pimping out your new group, you will need to add at least one Facebook friend to your group

A little backwards in my opinion, but it is what it is.

Step Five: Choose Your Privacy Setting

In Chapter 1 we talked about the three different types of Facebook groups privacy settings — Open (available to literally anyone), Closed (searchable, but must be approved by an admin) and Secret (only members see this group).

The choice is yours, but we recommend using a Closed group.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Closed Facebook groups allow you to monitor who enters your group, while still being easy to find. They also give you access to fun new “Join Questions” which we’ll talk about later on.

Tip* We suggest checking off the “Pin to Shortcuts” button before creating so it’s easy to find in your Home page sidebar.

Once you’ve filled everything out, click Create.

Step Six: Choose a Group Icon

If you’re already a member of a Facebook group you may have noticed that in your News Feed sidebar, each group has its own icon.

Now your icon doesn’t actually mean anything, but it sure is fun to pick one out.

Facebook provides several cute little emojis/icons to choose from so customize away. If you don’t like the one you choose now, you can always go back and change it later.

If you truly aren’t interested in icons you can skip this step.

Step Seven: Get Personal — Fill Out Your Facebook Group About Section

Your Facebook group About section is essentially your group’s business card. It contains all the important deets your members will need to learn about you and what this group stands for.

This also happens to be a great spot to list out your Facebook group admin rules so they are front and center.

Here’s a peak at what ours looks like:

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Step Eight: Brand the Hell Out of It

Time for the fun stuff: Branding your group!

Your group header image gives you the opportunity to splash your brand for all of FB to see, as well as tease or direct your members to specific resources.

Unlike your personal profile header image, your business group header should be more than a pretty picture.

Get wild and crazy and add a Call to Action and inspire your members to take an action.

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Some of our favourite cover photo CTAs have been:

  1. Click the pic to read the rules
  2. Subscribe to our podcast over at TheScrewShow.com
  3. Upgrade to our exclusive membership over at JoinScrewU.com

Our next CTA we will be testing out?

Our upcoming Free Traffic Workshop we’re unveiling shortly!

What’s more is you can use this cover photo for damn near anything!

Got a freebie you want to pimp out?

Highlight it on your cover photo!

Wanna fill up your webinar?

Mention it on that cover photo!

Setting the stage for an upcoming launch?

Feature it on dat cover photo!

Want your group members to turn on notifications for your group or pin it to their shortcuts?

You know what to do…


Step Nine: Edit Group Settings

Alrighttttt, now it’s time to get into the nitty gritty of it all.

*rubs hands together excitedly*

Start by clicking on the “More” tab and select “Edit Group Settings.”

Why cant i create a group on facebook
Why cant i create a group on facebook

Inside the group settings page you will see several different items that you can customize to your heart’s content.

We’re talking privacy settings, membership approval, updating the group description, posting permissions and so much more.

I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to…

Show you my tipssssss!

Tip #1 – Customize Your URL

Customize your group URL and add in an email address so members can contact you directly (if you’re open to that level of access).  

Tip #2 – Only Let Admins Approve New Members

Update your membership approval to only allow admins access to approving new members. This gives you and your admins exclusive rights to approving and denying new members.

Tip #3 – Get Crystal Clear On Your Facebook Group Rules

Write down what you’re willing to moderate so you can shape your members behaviour to serve you and your business goals with this group.

(Here’s a peek at our group rules)

For example, we don’t allow members to post video in our group because it’s too time consuming to review every video to ensure no one is self promoting or violating our member guidelines.

We also don’t allow any self-promotion, links to your own social profiles or website, affiliate links, opt-ins and freebies or branded photos outside of our promotional thread.

Some people may think that seems strict, but after 3 years of moderating free communities, to us this feels light and easy to manage.

Moral of the story?

Get clear on what you’re willing to allow and what is a no-go for your group….and then stick to it.

Tip #4 – Create “Join” Questions

Under the ‘Membership Requests’ section you can customize up to 3 Facebook Group questions that potential new members must answer if they want to be considered for your group.

This is one of our fave new ways of getting to know new members before they even step foot in our group and to collect a little market research!

Like I mentioned in Chapter 2, here are a few of the Join Questions we’ve used with our group:

  1. Do you agree to the rules? (a must for any group, IMO)
  2. Scale of 1 to 10 how interested are you in learning more about Screw U? (a bunch of our members inside Screw U have come from this one Q alone!)
  3. What value can you bring to this group?
  4. What is the biggest obstacle in your business right now?

Again, that last question gave us enormous insight into what our members were struggling with and gave us the inspiration to create an entirely unique training around it!

It’s called the 90 Day Traffic Plan and it’s going to rock your entrepreneurial world.


Tip #5 – Add Tags

Tags are essentially keywords that people can use in the Search bar to find your group. By adding applicable tags related to your business, it will make it easier for others to find your group.

In the Tags box, start typing in a word. It will automatically populate suggestions. Click on any and all that are applicable.

For example, you might want to add “online business,” “entrepreneurship,” or even your business name.

You can only add up to 5 tags though, so choose wisely.

Step Ten: Get Posting

You’ve done all the admin work, now it’s time to start posting and get that conversation rolling.

The best way to break the ice, especially in a new group, is by creating super engaging and easy to answer posts.

Which is why we are big believers in conversation sparking themed posts (more on that in Chapter 5).

(Not sure how to get people chatting in your group? Take a spin through this training and see what’s working RIGHT NOW in our group)

If you’ve created a post that you want your members to see every time they pop in, make it a Facebook Group pinned post.

To pin a post, simply write and publish a post. Once published, click on the three dots in the top right corner of that post. This will give you some scroll down options, one of which is “Pin Post”.

Pinned posts will automatically be “pinned” to the top of your Group’s feed until you choose to remove it, allowing more of your members to see your posts without having to worry about them getting buried in the feed.


Alright, so now that you know how to start a Facebook group, let’s jam on how to grow it.

Best of all, I’m going to show you how to do it fo’ free without having to throw down on Facebook ads.


Let’s move onto Chapter 4!

Craving more in-depth FB Group strategies that are having a monumental impact on our Group and business?

Take a spin through this page and get access to our most up-to-date and advanced training on Facebook Groups packed with strategies we haven’t taught anywhere else online!

Why can't I add a group to my Facebook page?

If you can't join a group as your Facebook Page, it might be because the group admins don't allow Pages to join their groups. Tap in the top menu. Enter the name of the group you're looking for. Tap the group name in the results and tap Join Group.

How do I create a Facebook group in 2022?

Updated mobile browser experience.
Tap in the top right of Facebook, then tap Groups..
Tap Create Group..
Enter your group name..
Select the privacy option. If you selected private, select whether to make your group visible or hidden..
Tap Create..
Add people to your group..

Can anyone create a Facebook group?

If you're a Page admin, you can create a new group with your Page as the admin. If you're the admin of an existing group, you can also add your Page as an admin. To create a Facebook group where your Page is the admin, visit Facebook on a computer or visit the Facebook app on your mobile device.

Why did Facebook ban me from groups?

Various reasons that make facebook to block you are: You are sending requests or joining too many groups at one time. Even you are posting in many groups at one point of time. You are adding groups too fastly.